Uluslararası Adli İşbirliği
following in its request:
a) the reasons for which the information requested is believed to have substantial va-
lue in the investigation of that offence;
b) the elements based on which it was established that banks in Romanian territory
have or control those bank accounts and, to the extent of availability, the names of the banks
c) any other available data that may facilitate the execution of the request.
(5) A request uttered under para. (1) shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) execution of the request must be compatible with Romanian law;
b) the act that is under criminal investigation must be an offence according to Roma-
nian law.
(6) In the event of requests uttered by Romanian authorities, this Article shall apply accor-
Information on bank transactions
(1) Upon request, Romanian authorities shall provide details on the bank accounts specified
by the requesting foreign authorities, as well as on the bank transactions that passed, during a
certain period, through one or more of the bank accounts specified in the request, including de-
tails on any sender or recipient of account.
(2) The data in para. (1) shall be provided only to the extent that it is available to the bank
holding those accounts.
(3) Where the information in para. (1) is requested, the requesting authority shall show in its
request the reasons for which the information requested is considered to have substantial value
in the investigation of that offence.
(4) A request uttered under para. (1) shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) execution of the request must be compatible with Romanian law;
b) the act that is under criminal investigation must be an offence according to Roma-
nian law..
(5) In the event of requests uttered by Romanian authorities, this Article shall apply accor-