Page 1563 - Uluslararası - Adli İşbirliği Kitap 22.08.2014

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(2) In the event that, in the course of the operations in Article 1878, the foreign officers cause
damage, the State whence they came shall be liable for this damage, according to Romanian law.
(3) The State whose officers have caused damage to any person in the territory of Romania
shall reimburse the latter in full any sums it has paid to the victims or persons entitled on their
(4) Without prejudice to the exercise of its rights vis-ŕ-vis third parties and with the exception
of paragraph 3, Romania shall refrain in the case provided for in paragraph 2 from requesting
reimbursement of damages it has sustained from another State.
Provisions implementing the Convention of 29 May 2000
on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member
States of the European Union and its Protocol of
16 October 2001”
Information about bank accounts
(1) At the request of the authorities of a Member State of the European Union, the Romanian
authorities shall ordain the taking of the requisite steps in view of identifying bank accounts,
whatever their nature, which are controlled or held in a bank unit in Romania, by a natural or legal
person who is under criminal investigation, and shall provide to them the numbers of the bank
accounts, as well as any other details. The information shall include also data on the accounts for
which the person under investigation has a mandate, to the extent that such information was
expressly requested and may be provided within a reasonable time.
(2) The data in para. (1) shall be provided only to the extent that the information is available to
the bank where the accounts are.
(3) The data in para. (1) shall be provided only if the criminal investigations concerns, as app-
a) an offence punishable by a custodial penalty or a warrant for service of imprison-
ment for a maximum period of at least 4 years, in the requesting State, and at least 2 years in the
requested State, or
b) an offence mentioned in Article 2 of the Convention on the establishment of a Euro-
pean Police Office (the Europol Convention) of 1995 or the annex thereto, or
c) to the extent that the offence is not provided in the Europol Convention, an offence
provided in the Convention of 1995 on the Protection of the European Communities’ Financial
Interests, in the Additional Protocol of 1996 or in the Second Additional Protocol of 1997.
(4) Where the information in para. (1) is requested, the requesting authority shall mention the