Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
Monitoring of bank transactions
(1) Romanian authorities shall, at the request of the authorities of a Member State of the Euro-
pean Union, ensure the monitoring, for a determinate period, of bank transactions passing thro-
ugh one or more of the bank accounts specified by the requesting authorities.
(2) Where the information in para. (1) is requested, the requesting authority shall show in its
request the reasons for which the information requested is considered to have substantial value
in the investigation of that offence.
(3) The competent Romanian judicial authorities shall authorise, under the conditions set
forth in Romanian law, the monitoring of bank accounts. The Romanian and foreign judicial aut-
horities shall establish according to Romanian law how the actual monitoring is to take place.
Banks shall observe confidentiality, both with regard to the transmission of the information
to the requesting authorities, and to the ongoing criminal investigation, and they may not reveal
such information to the client or to any other person.
Obligation to provide information
(1) The Romanian requested authority shall inform the requesting State without delay where,
during the execution of a request, additional investigations are needed which could not be fore-
seen or specified by the requesting authority in its initial request.
(2) After it is informed, according to para. (1), the requesting State may utter an additional
request, under Article 18716.
(3) Para. (1) shall apply also where the additional investigations need to be performed by the
authorities of a different Member State or of a third State.
Additional requests
(1) Where the authorities of the requesting State utter an additional request, it shall include