Baden-Württemberg |
Präsident des Amtsgerichts Freiburg |
Bayern |
Präsidentin des Oberlandesgerichts München |
Berlin |
Senatsverwaltung für Justiz von Berlin |
Brandenburg |
Ministerium der Justiz und für Europaangelegenheiten |
Bremen |
Die Präsident |
Hamburg |
Präsident des Amtsgerichts Hamburg |
Hessen |
Oberlandesgerichts Frankfurt am Main |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Niedersachsen |
Niedersächsisches Justizministerium |
Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf |
Rheinland-Pfalz |
Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz |
Saarland |
Ministerium der Justiz des Saarlandes |
Sachsen |
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden |
Sachsen- Anhalt |
Ministerium der Justiz |
Schleswig-Holstein |
Ministerium für Justiz, Frauen, Jugend und Familie des Landes Schleswig-Holstein |
Thüringen |
Thüringer Justizministerium |
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
U.S. Department of Justice |
Antigua ve Barbuda |
The Registrar of the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda, Registrar Supreme Court High Street Parliament Drive St John's |
Arjantin |
International Legal Assistance Department |
Arnavutluk |
Ministry of Justice Department of Foreign Jurisdictional Relations Blv Zogu i I |
Avustralya |
Australian Goverment |
Bahama Adaları |
Office of the Attorney General |
Barbados |
The Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados |
Belarus (Beyaz Rusya) |
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus |
Belçika |
Service Public Fédéral de la Justice |
Bostwana |
The Minister of State |
Bosna Hersek |
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of |
Bulgaristan |
Ministry of Justice and European Legal Integration |
Çek Cumhuriyeti |
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic |
Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti |
Ministry of Justice |
Hong Kong Özerk Bölgesi |
1) Chief Secretary of Administration |
Macau Özerk Bölgesi |
1) The Procuratorate of the Macao Special Administrative Region. |
Danimarka |
Ministry of Justice |
Estonya |
The Estonian Ministry of Justice |
Fas |
The Ministry of Justice |
Finlandiya |
Ministry of Justice |
Fransa |
Ministère de la Justice |
Hırvatistan |
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia Ulica Grada Vukovara 49 |
Hindistan |
The Ministry of Law and Justice, Department of Legal Affairs, 4th Floor, A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 |
Hollanda |
De Officier van Justitie (Public Prosecutor at the District Court of The Hague) |
İngiltere |
The Senior Master |
İrlanda |
The Master of the High Court (including any Deputy Master for the time being appointed) |
İspanya |
Subdirección General De Cooperación Jurídica Internacional |
İsrail |
The Director of Courts |
İsveç |
Ministry of Justice |
İsviçre |
Federal Justice and Police Department |
İtalya |
Ufficio Degli Ufficiali Giudiziari presso la corte d’appello di Roma |
İzlanda |
Ministry of Justice and Human Rights |
Japonya |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Kanada |
Alberta |
Sheriff - Civil Enforcement |
5th Floor North |
British Columbia |
Ministry of the Attorney General for British Columbia |
Room 208A |
Manitoba |
Attorney-General of Manitoba |
Woodsworth Building |
New Brunswick |
Attorney-General of New Brunswick |
P.O.Box 6000 |
Newfoundland |
Department of Justice |
P.O. Box 8700 |
Nova Scotia |
Attorney General of Nova Scotia |
5151 Terminal Road |
Ontario |
Ministry of the Attorney General |
Ontario Court of Justice |
Prince Edward Island |
Attorney General of Prince Edward Island |
P.O.Box 2000 |
Quebec |
Gaudreau |
1200 route de l'Eglise |
Saskatchewan |
Minister of Justice for Saskatchewan |
Court House |
Yukon |
Director of Court Services |
Department of Justice |
Northwest Territories |
Deputy Minister of Justice |
P.O. Box 1320 |
Nunavut |
Clerk of the Nunavut Court of Justice |
Box 297 |
Federal |
United Nations |
125 Sussex Drive |
Kore Cumhuriyeti |
National Court Administration |
Kuveyt |
The State of Kuwait |
Letonya |
Ministry of Justice |
Litvanya |
Ministry of Justice |
Lüksemburg |
Parquet général près la Cour surpérieure de justice |
Macaristan |
Ministry of Public Administraian and Justice Department of Justice corperation and Private İnternational Law P.O. Box 2 1357 Budapest Kossuth ter 2-4 1055 Budapest HUNGARY |
Malavi |
The Registrar of the High Court of Malawi |
Malta |
Attorney General The Palace |
Meksika |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate-General of Legal Affairs Plaza Jua’rez No. 20, Planta Baja Edificio Tlatelolco Colonia Centro delagacion Cuahtemoc C.P. 06010 |
Mısır |
Ministry of Justice |
Monako |
La Direction des Services judiciaires |
Norveç |
The Royal Ministry of Justice and the Police |
Pakistan |
The Solicitor, Ministry of Law and Justice |
Polonya |
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwosci |
Portekiz |
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça |
Rusya Federasyonu |
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation |
Romanya |
Minstry of Justice |
Saint Vincent ve |
Registar High Court KINGSTOWN Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
San Marino |
Tribunale Unico of the Rebuclic of San Marino Via 28 Luglio n. 194 47 893 Borgo Maffiore |
Seyşeler |
The Registrar of the Supreme Court |
Sırbistan |
Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Serbia |
Slovakya |
Department of Private end Procedural International Law Ministry of Zupnê namestie 13 813 11 Bratıslava Slovak Repuclic |
Slovenya |
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia |
Sri Lanka |
Secretary |
Ukrayna |
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine |
Venezuella |
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores |
Yunanistan |
Ministry of Justice Directorate of Pardon Award and İnternational Judicial Co-operation in Civil Cases 96 Mesogeion Av. Athens 11527 GREECE |