Uluslararası Adli İşbirliği
order to execute the judgement. Art. 145 and Art.146 shall apply accordingly.
(2) Except for the case when one of the two States does not agree with the transfer, Romania
shall send the following to the Executing State:
An authenticated copy of the final sentence, as well as a copy of the legal provisi-
ons applicable;
a document mentioning the length of the sentence that was already served, inc-
luding information on any provisional detention, on the reduction of the penalty, or another do-
cument regarding the status of sentence service;
the statement of consent for transfer, as provided for in Art. 129 d);
d) if available, any forensic report or findings or any other medical documents attesting
the sentenced person’s mental and physical condition, the treatment undergone by him in Roma-
nian territory and any recommendations for the treatment to be continued in the Executing State,
as well as, in case of sentenced minors, a copy of the social inquiry report for this case;
(3) Romania may request to the Executing State the transmission of any of the documents in
para. (1) before making the request for transfer or before handing down the decision accepting
or refusing transfer.
(4) Para. (3) shall apply accordingly if the Executing State requests transmission of the docu-
ments in para.(2) by the Romanian State.
Consent of the sentenced person
(1) Romania shall act in such a manner as for the person who is to give his consent for transfer
based on Art. 129 d) to do so willingly and in full awareness of the legal consequences that arise
from it.
(2) Romania must give the Executing State the chance to check, through a consul or another
official designated in agreement with the Executing State, whether this consent was given accor-
ding to para. (1).
Effect of transfer for the Sentencing State
(1) The taking over of the sentenced person by the authorities of the Executing State shall
suspend penalty service in Romania.
(2) Romania may no longer ensure or continue the execution of the sentence if the Executing
State deems that execution of the sentence is completed, according to the law.