Page 1533 - Uluslararası - Adli İşbirliği Kitap 22.08.2014

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Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
Section 1
Romania as Sentencing State
Obligation to provide information
(1) The Ministry of Justice shall make sure that any person sentenced by a Romanian court,
to whom this law may be applied, and to whom this Title may be applied, shall be informed, in
writing, of the exact contents of the ruling international convention.
(2) If the sentenced person addressed the Romanian State as a Sentencing State, in view of his
transfer, the Ministry of Justice shall inform of this the competent central authority of the Execu-
ting State, as soon as possible, after the sentence remains final.
(3) The information must include:
a) the sentenced person’s name, date and place of birth;
b) if available, the sentenced person’s address in the Executing State;
c) a presentation of the acts that entailed the sentence;
d) the nature, length and date of commencement of penalty service.
(4) If the sentenced person addressed the Executing State, in view of his transfer, Romania
shall, upon request, provide that State with the information mentioned in para. (3).
(5) The sentenced person must be informed, in writing, of any act performed by any of the
two States in the application of para. (1)-(4), as well as of any decision made by one of these States
regarding the request for transfer.
Supporting documents
(1) In order for the request for transfer to be solved, Romania shall request the following do-
cuments from the Executing State:
a) a document or a statement to certify that the sentenced person is a national of the
Executing State;
b) a copy of the legal provisions of the Executing State, showing that the acts that en-
tailed the handing down of the judgement in the Sentencing State are offences according to the
law of the Executing State;
c) a statement containing information regarding the procedure that will be used in