Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
case the judgement shall be final.
(3) The appeal on points of law lodged against the judgement of surrender shall stay the exe-
cution, but it shall not stay the enforcement of the measure of arrest. The case shall be forwarded
to the appellate court within 24 hours.”
Hearing of the appeal on points of law
The appeal on points of law in Art. 941 shall be heard with priority, within 3 days of its regist-
Time limits
(1) The European Arrest Warrant shall be solved and executed in emergency procedure.
(2) In the event in Art. 90 para. (5), the judgement on the execution of the European arrest
warrant must be pronounced within 10 days of the court hearing in which the requested person
expressed his consent to the surrender.
(3) In all other cases, the final judgement about the execution of the European arrest warrant
must be pronounced within 60 days of the date when the requested person was arrested
(4) When, for justified reasons, a decision cannot be handed down within the time limits men-
tioned in the previous paragraphs, the court may postpone the handing down for 30 days, while
announcing this to the issuing judicial authority, together with the grounds for postponement
and while maintaining the measures necessary in view of surrender.
(5) When, for exceptional reasons, the time limits in this Article cannot be observed, the exe-
cuting Romanian judicial authority shall inform the Eurojust, specifying the reasons for the delay.
Surrender of the requested person
(1) Surrender shall be carried out by the Centre for International Police Cooperation within
the Ministry of the Interior and of Administrative Reform, with the support of the police station
in whose jurisdiction the place of detention is located, within 10 days from the date when the
judgement of surrender became final