Page 1503 - Uluslararası - Adli İşbirliği Kitap 22.08.2014

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judicial authority to establish its authenticity
(2) If the whereabouts of the requested person are unknown, the European arrest warrant
shall be sent through the Centre for International Police Cooperation within the Ministry of the
Interior and of Administrative Reform, which shall disseminate it into the Schengen Information
System or through the channels of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol), as
appropriate. In this latter case, transmission may be effected via the secure telecommunications
system of the European Judicial Network, when it is operational.
(3) If the issuing judicial authority does not know the executing judicial authority, it shall make
the requisite enquiries, including through the contact points of the European Judicial Network or
through the specialised directorate within the Ministry of Justice, in order to obtain that informa-
tion from the executing Member State.
(4) All difficulties concerning the transmission or checking the authenticity of a European ar-
rest warrant shall be dealt with by direct contacts between the issuing judicial authority and the
executing judicial authority or with the support of the Ministry of Justice.
(5) After sending a European arrest warrant, the Romanian issuing judicial authority may send
any additional information needed for executing the warrant.
(6) In the event of direct transmission, the issuing Romanian judicial authorities shall inform
the Ministry of Justice in the last working day of each year quarter about all the European arrest
warrants issued during the reference period and about the status of their execution
Temporary transfer and hearing of the requested person during the execution of a European
arrest warrant
(1) When a European Arrest Warrant has been issued in the case provided in Art. 81 para. 1
a), the issuing Romanian judicial authority may request to the executing judicial authority, be-
fore the latter decides upon the definitive surrender, a temporary surrender to Romania of the
requested person, in order for him to be heard, or it may request an authorisation for taking the
statement of this person on the territory of the State that is executing the warrant.
(2) If the executing judicial authority, after having approved the surrender of the requested
person, ordains the suspension of surrender until the end of a pending trial or until a penalty
applied in the Executing State is served for an act that is different from the one that is the subject
of the European Warrant, the issuing Romanian judicial authority may request a temporary sur-
render of the person in view of a hearing or trial.