Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
2. In deviation from paragraph 1, a demand as referred to in Article 552n, paragraph 3, which
is made with a view to granting a request from a foreign legal authority which is subject to comp-
liance and based on a convention, to cooperate with an examination by him or under his supervi-
sion of a witness or expert by video conference, has the same legal consequences as a demand to
institute a preliminary judicial investigation as regards the application of Articles 190, paragraphs
1 and 4, 191, paragraphs 1 and 4, 210, paragraph 1, second sentence, 213, 214, 215, 217 to 219a,
221 to 225, 226, 226a, paragraph 1, 226c, paragraph 1, 226f and 236.
3. Pieces of evidence which would be subject to be seized in accordance with paragraph 1 of
this article are those pieces of evidence which would be subject to this if the act in connection
with which the legal assistance was requested was committed in the Netherlands, and that act
can give rise to extradition to the requesting state.
4. Unless the applicable convention provides otherwise, no coercive measures can be used
to comply with a request for legal assistance, except in accordance with the previous paragraph.
Article 552oa
1. Insofar as a request from a foreign authority that is subject to compliance and based on a
convention allows this, the powers described in Articles 126l, 126m, 126nd, paragraph 6, 126ne,
paragraph 3, 126nf, 126ng, 126s and 126t, 126ue, paragraph 3, 126uf, 126ug, 126zf, 126zg, 126zn,
paragraph 3, 126zn and 126zo can be carried out.
2. Other powers described intitles IVa to Vc and Ve of Book I can be carried out and Article
126ff can be applied if a request for assistance that is subject to compliance allows for this.
3. Unless the applicable convention provides otherwise, no use can be made of the powers
described in titles IVa to Vc and Ve to comply with the request for legal assistance, and Article
126ff cannot be applied except in accordance with the previous paragraphs.
4. The public prosecutor can issue official reports and other objects obtained by means of the
application of powers described in Articles 126l, 126m, 126nd, paragraph 6, 126ne, paragraph 3,
126nf, 126s, 126t, 126ue, paragraph 3, and 126uf to the foreign authorities, insofar as the court
gives leave for this, taking the applicable convention into account.
5.Articles 126aa, paragraph 2, as well as 126bb to 126dd apply correspondingly. Article 126cc
applies only insofar as the official reports and other objects concerned have not been issued to
the foreign authorities. The public prosecutor ensures that an interested party can inspect the
official reports and other objects relating to him at any time.
Article 552ob
1. Insofar as a convention provides for this, telecommunications can be tapped at the request
of a foreign authority with a view to direct channelling to another country. Article 126m, parag-
raph 1, and Article 126t, paragraph 1, apply correspondingly.
2. If the tapped and directly channelled telecommunication relates to a user of telecommu-