Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
criminal damage;
offences established by the issuing State and serving the purpose of implementing obligati-
ons arising from instruments adopted under the EC Treaty or under Title VI of the EU Treaty.
If this box is ticked, indicate the exact provisions of the instrument adopted on the basis of the
EC Treaty or the EU Treaty that the offence relates to:
4. To the extent that the offence(s) identified under point 2 above are not covered by point 3,
give a full description of the offence(s) concerned:
(h) Status of the decision imposing the financial penalty
1. Confirm that (tick the boxes):
(a) the decision is a final decision
(b) to the knowledge of the authority issuing the Certificate, a decision against the same
person in respect of the same acts has not been delivered in the executing State and that no
such decision delivered in any State other than the issuing State or the executing State has been
2. Indicate if the case been subject to a written procedure:
(a) No, it has not.
(b) Yes, it has. It is confirmed that the person concerned was, in accordance with the law of
the issuing State, informed personally or via a representative competent according to national
law of his right to contest the case and of time limits of such a legal remedy
3. Indicate if the person concerned appeared personally in the proceedings:
(a) Yes, he or she did.
(b) No, he or she did not. It is confirmed:
that the person was informed personally, or via a representative competent according to
national law, of the proceedings in accordance with the law of the issuing State,
that the person has indicated that he or she does not contest the case
4. Partial payment of the penalty
If any part of the penalty has already been paid to the issuing State, or, to the knowledge of
the authority issuing the Certificate, to any other State, indicate the amount which has been paid: