Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
rules of law. It is confirmed that the person concerned has had an opportunity to have the case
tried by a court having jurisdiction in particular in criminal matters.
(iv) Decision of a court having jurisdiction in particular in criminal matters regarding a deci-
sion as referred to in point iii.
The decision was made on (date).....................................................
The decision became final on (date).........................................
Reference number of the decision (if available):..................................................
The financial penalty constitutes an obligation to pay (tick the relevant box(es) and indicate
the amount(s) with indication of currency):
(i) A sum of money on conviction of an offence imposed in a decision.
Amount: .............................................................................................
(ii) Compensation imposed in the same decision for the benefit of victims, where the victim
may not be a civil party to the proceedings and the court is acting in its exercise of its criminal
Amount: ................................................................................
(iii) A sum of money in respect of the costs of court or administrative proceedings leading
to the decision.
Amount: ..................................................................................................
(iv) A sum of money to a public fund or a victim support organisation, imposed in the same
Amount: ...................................................................................................
The total amount of the financial penalty with indication of currency: .............................................
2. A summary of facts and a description of the circumstances in which the offence(s) has(have)
been committed, including time and place: ......................................................................... ..............................
Nature and legal classification of the offence(s) and the applicable statutory provision/code
on basis of which the decision was made:
3. To the extent that the offence(s) identified under point 2 above constitute(s) one or more of
the following offences, confirm that by ticking the relevant box(es):
participation in a criminal organisation;
trafficking in human beings;