Uluslararası Adli İşbirliği
Confiscation in special cases
(1) If a request for confiscation concerns a specific item of property, if the issuing authority
consents, and if it is provided for under the law of both States, the court may ordain that confis-
cation may take the form of a requirement to pay a sum of money corresponding to the value of
the property.
(2) If a confiscation order concerns an amount of money, the court may, if payment is not ob-
tained in total, execute the confiscation order on any item of property available for that purpose.
Reasons for non-recognition or non-execution
(1) Outside the case in Art. 18752 para. (2), recognition and execution of a confiscation order
may be refused whenever:
a) the certificate in Art. 18750 is not produced, is incomplete or manifestly does not
correspond to the order;
b) execution of the confiscation order would be contrary to the principle of ne bis in
c) Romanian legislation provides an immunity or privilege that makes it impossible to
execute the confiscation order;
d) the rights of any interested party, including bona fide third parties, make it impos-
sible to execute the confiscation order, including where this is a consequence of the application
of legal remedies in accordance with Article 18768;
e) according to the certificate provided with the confiscation order, the person concer-
ned did not appear personally and was not represented by a legal counsellor in the proceedings
resulting in the confiscation order, unless the certificate states that the person was informed per-
sonally, or via his representative competent according to national law, of the proceedings in ac-
cordance with the law of the issuing State or that the person has indicated that he or she does not
contest the confiscation order;
f ) the confiscation order is based on criminal proceedings in respect of criminal offen-
ces which:
- under Romanian law, are regarded as having been committed wholly or partly
within Romanian territory, or
- were committed outside the territory of the issuing State, and Romanian legis-
lation does not permit legal proceedings to be taken in respect of such offences where they are
committed outside Romanian territory;
g) executing the confiscation order would infringe upon constitutional principles;
h) the execution of the confiscation order is barred under Romanian statutory time