Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
18. organised or armed robbery;
19. illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art;
20. swindling;
21. racketeering and extortion;
22. counterfeiting and piracy of products;
23. forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein;
24. forgery of means of payment;
25. illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters;
26. illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials;
27. trafficking in stolen vehicles;
28. rape;
29. arson;
30. crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court;
31. unlawful seizure of aircraft/ships;
32. sabotage.
(2) For offences other than those covered by paragraph 1, the recognition and execution of
a confiscation order is subject to the condition that the acts giving rise to the confiscation order
constitute an offence which permits confiscation under the law of Romania, whatever its consti-
tuent elements or however it is described under the law of the issuing State.
Amnesty, pardon, review of confiscation orders
(1) Amnesty and pardon may be granted by the issuing State and also by the executing State.
(2) Only the issuing State may determine any application for review of the confiscation order.
Procedure for transmission by the Romanian authorities of confiscation orders and
Transmission of confiscation orders and of certificates
(1) The confiscation order together with the certificate in Art. 18750, accompanied by a trans-
lation into the official language or one of the official languages of the executing Member State
or into another language that it accepts, shall be transmitted by the issuing judicial authority
directly to the competent authority of the executing State, by any means capable of producing a
written record under conditions allowing the executing judicial authority to establish authenti-
city. The translation shall be obtained by the issuing judicial authority.