Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
(1) Without prejudice to Art. 18745, the enforcement of the decision shall be governed by Ro-
manian law in the same way as a financial penalty imposed by a Romanian court. The Romanian
authorities alone shall be competent to decide on the procedures for enforcement and to deter-
mine all the measures relating thereto, including the grounds for termination of enforcement.
(2) In the case where the sentenced person is able to furnish proof of a payment, totally or
in part, in any State, the executing Romanian judicial authority shall consult the competent aut-
hority of the issuing State in the way provided for in Art. 18742 para. (3). Any part of the penalty
recovered in whatever manner in any State shall be deducted in full from the amount which is to
be enforced in Romania.
Substitution for non-recovery of the financial penalty
Where it is not possible to enforce a decision, either totally or in part, alternative sanctions
may be applied by the executing Romanian judicial authority, according to the provisions of
Art.631 of the Criminal Code.
Amnesty, pardon, review of sentence
(1) Amnesty and pardon may be granted by the issuing State and also by Romania.
(2) Without prejudice to Art. 18745, only the issuing State may determine any application for
review of the decision.
Accrual of moneys obtained from enforcement of decisions. Costs
(1) Monies obtained from the enforcement of decisions by the executing Romanian judicial
authorities shall accrue to the State budget of Romania unless otherwise agreed with the issuing
State, in particular in the cases referred to in Art. 18734 para. (2) b).
(2) Romania shall not claim refund for costs resulting from application of this Section by the
Romanian authorities.
The executing Romanian judicial authority shall without delay inform the competent autho-
rity of the issuing State by any means which leaves a written record: