Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
initiating criminal proceedings, or might lead to a request for judicial assistance by that State.
(2) Romania may impose conditions on the use of the information sent, according to para.(1).
The receiving State shall be bound by the conditions imposed.
Controlled delivery
(1) Romanian judicial authorities shall authorise, upon request, under the conditions provided
in Romanian law, controlled deliveries, within the framework of criminal proceedings relating to
extraditable offences.
(2) Controlled deliveries shall take place in accordance with Romanian law.
(3) This Article shall apply accordingly where assistance is requested by Romanian judicial
Covert investigations
(1) Romania and a foreign State may agree to assist one another in the conduct of investigati-
ons by officers under covert or false identity.
(2) The competent Romanian authorities shall decide, in each individual case, according to
Romanian law.
(3) The actual modalities of carrying out the investigation and the legal status of the officers
concerned shall be agreed between the Romanian and foreign judicial authorities, under Roma-
nian law.
Joint investigation teams
(1) In view of facilitating the resolution of a request for rogatory letters, joint investigation te-
ams may be set up for a specific purpose and a limited period, which may be extended by mutual
consent. The composition of the team shall be agreed upon.
(2) A joint investigation team may, in particular, be set up where:
a) pending proceedings with the requesting State require difficult and demanding in-
vestigations having links with both States;