Uluslararası Adli İşbirliği
sists in the authorisation given by a judicial authority in one State to an authority in another State,
which is empowered to accomplish, on its behalf, certain judicial activities relating to a certain
criminal proceeding.
The object of letters rogatory
(1) The object of a request for letters rogatory shall be mainly:
a) locating and identifying persons and articles; hearing defendants, injured parties
and other parties, witnesses and experts, as well as confrontation; searches, seizure of articles and
documents, sequestration and special confiscation; on-site investigations and reconstruction;
expert opinions, technical-scientific findings and forensic findings; transmission of information
needed in a particular proceeding, audio and video interception and recording, examination of
archive documents and specialised files, and other such procedural steps;
b) transmission of articles to be produced in evidence;
c) transmission of documents or records.
(2) Where the requesting State wishes for the witnesses or experts to take an oath, it shall exp-
ressly so request, and Romania shall comply with the request if Romanian law does not prohibit it.
(3) Romania shall send only certified copies or certified photostat copies of documents or
records requested. Where the requesting State expressly requests the transmission of originals,
every effort shall be made to comply with the request.
The date and place of execution of letters rogatory
(1) On the express request of the requesting State, Romania shall state the date and place of
execution of the letters rogatory. Officials and interested persons mentioned by the requesting
State may assist and collaborate in the execution of letters rogatory, within the limits allowed by
Romanian law.
(2) Para. (1) shall apply accordingly where assistance is requested by Romanian authorities.
Searches, seizure of property and documents and sequestration
(1) Letters rogatory for search or seizure of property and documents and sequestration shall
be subject to the following conditions:
a) that the offence motivating the letters rogatory is an extraditable offence where