Kanunları ve Tercümeleri
ce in which the property that is the subject of the order is believed to be located. On being filed,
the order shall be entered as a judgment of that court and may be executed anywhere in Canada.
(3) Before filing an order, the Attorney General of Canada or an attorney general of a province
must be satisfied that
(a) the person has been charged with an offence within the jurisdiction of the state or
entity; and
(b) the offence would be an indictable offence if it were committed in Canada.
(4) On being filed,
(a) an order for the seizure of proceeds of crime may be enforced as if it were a warrant
issued under subsection 462.32(1) of the Criminal Code;
(b) an order for the restraint of proceeds of crime may be enforced as if it were an order
made under ubsection 462.33(3) of the Criminal Code;
(c) an order for the seizure of offence-related property may be enforced as if it were a
warrant issued under subsection 487(1) of the Criminal Code or subsection 11(1) of the Control-
led Drugs and Substances Act, as the case may be; and
(d) an order for the restraint of offence-related property may be enforced as if it were
an order made under subsection 490.8(3) of the Criminal Code or subsection 14(3) of the Control-
led Drugs and Substances act, as the case may be.
(5) When an order is filed under subsection 2), a copy of any amendments made to the order
may be filed in the same way as the order, and the amendments do not, for the purpose of this
Act, have effect until they are registered. 2001, c. 32, s. 65.
9.4 (1) When a written request is presented the Minister by a state or entity, other than the In-
ternational Criminal Court referred to in section 9.1, for the enforcement of an order of forfeiture
of property situated in Canada issued by a court of criminal jurisdiction of the state or entity, the
Minister may authorize the Attorney General of Canada or an attorney general of a province to
make arrangements for the enforcement of the order.
(2) The Minister shall refuse the request if he or she
(a) has reasonable grounds to believe that the request has been made for the purpose
of punishing a person by reason of their race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ethnic
origin, language, colour, age, mental or physical disability or political opinion;
(b) is of the opinion that enforcement of the order would prejudice an ongoing proce-
eding or investigation;
(c) is of the opinion that enforcement of the order would impose an excessive burden
on the resources of federal, provincial or territorial authorities;
(d) is of the opinion that enforcement of the order might prejudice Canada’s security,
national interest or sovereignty; or